Day 8

March 8, 2014

Today was a day of transition day. We had a boat ride, then a bus ride. We spent about three hours traveling until we stopped for lunch. We had lunch and traveled for about an hour and a half. Larry and I were looking at the Zip Line photos and were laughing. We then arrived at the hotel in San Jose. I checked into the hotel and left to be with my family and this is where my adventure began.

First we went to a souvenir shop and I bought some items for people back in Columbus, Georgia. Then we went to where my family lives. I had a warm welcome when I arrived. I got to see my four cousins and some their kids, my grandma, my aunt and my uncle. We then went to the local pulperia, which is significant point in my life because I went there frequently. I then took photos of my third house I lived in. Then we went back to my grandma’s house. I had a chance to talk to my parents via Skype. Then some of relatives from my dad’s side came and we ate dinner. There was some cake too. I had an awesome time with my family. I realized a lot changed since I was last there. When I saw my third house I lived in Costa Rica I thought to Photograph by Nickleback:

"And this is where I grew up. I think the present owner fixed it up"

Things change over time. I am glad I came to see where I lived for a part of life in the nineties. Thanks to my family for all they have done and to my professors for letting me go.

Biology Items

  1. Crocodile
  2. Birds

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